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Late 1800s
Daniel Deronda (2002)- yes, I know the book is set earlier, but this miniseries has been pushed forward in time. George Eliot greatness.

The Forsyte Saga (2002)- have watched only a little so far but am loving it to a certain degree. Have not read the John Galsworthy books so have no way of attesting to the accuracy of the series.
I have returned to this specific blog.
I write so much more now and yet all of it is secret. Instead of writing about me, however, I offer you an incomplete list of period pieces (with sparing commentary) as organized roughly by time period and complete with pretty pictures.
Early 1800s- my mom refers to this period as a whole bunch of girls running around in their nightgowns, but I rather like their dresses. Change a ribbon and its a whole new outfit. I like to refer to this period as OD-ing on Jane Austen.
Sense and Sensibility (1995)- Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet loveliness directed by Ang Lee with several Oscar nods and one win. Jane Austen, obviously. 2008 BBC version worth viewing as well.
Mansfield Park (1999)- love Billie Piper but MUCH preferred the 1999 version over BBC's 2007...Frances O'Connor much better suited for period drama and, if one can forgive the liberality of the adaptation, I believed the incorporation of Jane Austen's life into the movie was rather clever if unnecessary.
Northanger Abbey (BBC 2007)- My favorite Jane Austen book and a cute adaptation. Felicity Jones is adorable.
Persuasion (2007)- I fear I am no real fan of the Amanda Root version, but do somewhat enjoy the version with Sally Hawkins as Anne main problem perhaps is my constant cringing at Anne during rereads of the book.
Emma (1996)- The Gwyneth Paltrow version was both enjoyable and annoying, much like the book. 
Pride and Prejudice (any of them)- I am as guilty as any woman in having unreal expectations of men... can any of us ever expect to escape the charms of Mr. Darcy? Give it up, ladies, give in. You know you love Pride and Prejudice.
Holy fuck.
They put me on synthroid, which is all fun and games and whatnot, but, Jesu Christo, they then proceed to tell me that consuming soy renders synthroid useless.
I am condemned to eating one meal with soy a week and I am a friggin vegetarian!!! Imagine, one tofu or one edamame or one thing with soy sauce! Soy is everywhere!!!
Tell you what, as of this moment I am officially a seitan worshipper.
Like, I mean, love love the music and all.
But that goes double for the look.
Can you dig? And yes, I know my hair is short short, but I can cut the bangs like so and let it grow out or not.
And besides, the skinnier I get, the more fucking elfin I get (except the trollish nose haha). It goes.
...from you, O veggie-haters.
Know what? I am sick and tired of you idiots hating on vegetarians. What did we ever do to you? Do I, personally, make a fuss over refusing meat? No. So why must you immediately assume I'm about to go militant on your asses when the need to address my vegetarianism arises? Tell me: Are you harboring some feelings of inadequacy? Is it possible you secretly feel guilty about their meat consumption? If so, you need to figure your own self out and stop taking it out on little old me.
And also, please abstain from making fallacious claims to support your unnecessary rant--since when are you the victim? Frankly, I've had enough acquaintances taking liberties with our (trust me, TEMPORARY) association and attacking my personal choices. Yes, that is tofu on my plate and NO, I will not defend myself to you, oh self-righteous carnivore, because you sought an argument where there needn't be any--here, at the dinner table, with your steak knife brandished, just itching to provoke me into a petty attack on the dish in front of you.
But yes, in a tasteful setting, I will voice my opinions. I will voice how vegetarianism IS better for the environment and for your health. I will voice how vegetarianism CAN take us a step closer to ending world hunger.
But I will not voice the horrors of the inhumane treatment of animals whilst you smugly shove a baby cow down your throat, clearly relishing the thought that you are doing so in front of a vegetarian, because I am a polite human being who recognizes your right to eat your veal in peace.
Now give ME the right to eat my tofu and, heaven forbid, feel good about that choice.