I have returned to this specific blog.
I write so much more now and yet all of it is secret. Instead of writing about me, however, I offer you an incomplete list of period pieces (with sparing commentary) as organized roughly by time period and complete with pretty pictures.
Early 1800s- my mom refers to this period as a whole bunch of girls running around in their nightgowns, but I rather like their dresses. Change a ribbon and its a whole new outfit. I like to refer to this period as OD-ing on Jane Austen.

Sense and Sensibility (1995)- Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet loveliness directed by Ang Lee with several Oscar nods and one win. Jane Austen, obviously. 2008 BBC version worth viewing as well.

Mansfield Park (1999)- love Billie Piper but MUCH preferred the 1999 version over BBC's 2007...Frances O'Connor much better suited for period drama and, if one can forgive the liberality of the adaptation, I believed the incorporation of Jane Austen's life into the movie was rather clever if unnecessary.

Northanger Abbey (BBC 2007)- My favorite Jane Austen book and a cute adaptation. Felicity Jones is adorable.

Persuasion (2007)- I fear I am no real fan of the Amanda Root version, but do somewhat enjoy the version with Sally Hawkins as Anne Elliot...my main problem perhaps is my constant cringing at Anne during rereads of the book.

Emma (1996)- The Gwyneth Paltrow version was both enjoyable and annoying, much like the book.

Pride and Prejudice (any of them)- I am as guilty as any woman in having unreal expectations of men... can any of us ever expect to escape the charms of Mr. Darcy? Give it up, ladies, give in. You know you love Pride and Prejudice.
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