Friday, November 16, 2007

In which Lambsie celebrates weight loss by eating.

Mmmm pinkberry with blackberries and oreo crumbles...
But why? Because today I went shopping (gasp!) for new jeans because my old jeans are dead (both pair) and, knowing I had lost weight in general, I asked for a 14 short (short because, well, I'm short)instead of a 16. They were ginormous.
I am a fucking 12.
I haven't been a 12 since, like, freshman year of high school.
I have never lost weight in my life, despite two rounds of the South Beach diet, the initiation period of which made me actually gain weight both times I tried it.
What did I do this time? Nothing intentional really...I just am getting uber environmentalist and try my best to eat only local foods which means my diet consists of mostly of veggies, squash, and whole grain bread.
And I celebrate with pinkberry.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In which Lambsie is angered by iMovie.

But here's my pigeon movie anyway. You better love it. People though I was insane.
Audio is from walking up Broadway and footage is from an old gas station near the Bedford Ave stop on the L.

Friday, November 9, 2007

In which Lambsie lists her staple foods.

So she can basically decide where she can cut costs.

Winter Squash
Bok Choy
Peanut Butter
Brown Rice

So yeah, ok spinach has made a brief absense in my life but it will be back because I totally need it. Right now I'm living off of stir fry veggies and tofu, rice and lentils/beans, and, of course, microwaved squash. Egg on toast or apple in the morning depending on time.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

In which Lambsie prepares to give blood for the first time ever!

I know, late by a couple years right? So why the sudden change?
Well, I've had so much blood taken from me anyways within the last year or so that I simply don't give a damn anymore about someone stabbing me and draining me of my precious blood. This is a much different story from when I came of age to give blood. Back then, I nearly fainted when they tested me for mono. Now its just needle schmeedle. Though I hope they don't stab me in my already bruised left arm. I look like a junkie. Hopefully I'll be better by Friday because I feel fucking courageous.

In which Lambsie is Peter Rabbit?

My diet (since, um, yesterday) seems to primarily consist of root vegetables. RAW root vegetables. Turnips and beets and carrots, oh my! (Though I've discovered that I cannot stand celeriac, even cooked, which I should have known before I bought the thing, because I loathe celery) I've even chomped sparingly on some radish. I plan on getting some parsnips tomorrow at market and some leafy greens and sprouts, preparing, obviously, for my new career as veggie-hoarding bunny. And, by the way, does anyone else adore the smell of a raw beet when you first cut into it? Dark, cool, sweet, and earthy= amazing.

Friday, November 2, 2007

In which Lambsie shouts out to Prints Gone Wild 2007.

Free NYC says....

"Date: Friday, November 2nd and Saturday November 3rd
Time: Fri 6:00pm-12:00am Opening reception; Sat 12:00pm-6:00pm Fair is open all day
Location: Supreme Trading (213 N 8th St. Williamsburg)
Cost: Free

After last year's incredibly successful fair, Brooklyn's own Cannonball Press has again assembled an extraordinary menagerie of graphic artists under one roof, who will be present, displaying their prints, and selling them for $50 or less for two days only. Contributions from Tugboat Press, The Amazing Hancock Brothers McGregor, Paping, Sean Star Wars, Howling Print Studios, Space 1026, Yeehaw Industries, Triangle Poster, Team Lump, Drive By Press, Isle of Printing, DRock Press and Cannonball Press. Tonight is the opening reception and party and Saturday the fair will be open all afternoon."