Friday, November 16, 2007

In which Lambsie celebrates weight loss by eating.

Mmmm pinkberry with blackberries and oreo crumbles...
But why? Because today I went shopping (gasp!) for new jeans because my old jeans are dead (both pair) and, knowing I had lost weight in general, I asked for a 14 short (short because, well, I'm short)instead of a 16. They were ginormous.
I am a fucking 12.
I haven't been a 12 since, like, freshman year of high school.
I have never lost weight in my life, despite two rounds of the South Beach diet, the initiation period of which made me actually gain weight both times I tried it.
What did I do this time? Nothing intentional really...I just am getting uber environmentalist and try my best to eat only local foods which means my diet consists of mostly of veggies, squash, and whole grain bread.
And I celebrate with pinkberry.

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