Okay, so I'm 19 now and if I still want the same tattoo when I'm 21 I'll let myself get it.
I am so my own mom.
Okay, so here's what I'm thinking: a very small and very simple black or dark brown ink tattoo high behind the ear. Hiding sort of, so it is subtle and nice; a cute little discovery for anyone who should come across it (and if my hair is shortish it will be covered most of the time).
A secret.
People are all like: why would you get a tattoo that no one can see? Well, its personal, sort of. The design I get will most likely be of some religious or spiritual importance to me, like a tiny om symbol or triqueta. Here are some options, not all religious, but of profound meaning.

The om symbol. Not so calligraphic but more linear so it carries across better with its small size.

The triqueta. Not the most original but it holds deep importance for me and is a very elegant symbol. Not the charmed version. I'd hate for it to reference tv.
The spiral. Ok, I am a huge fan of paleolithic art. And its a very basic symbol that is profound and all-encompassing.
The pentacle flower . I doubt I'd ever put a blatant pentacle on my ear due to negative connotations (bred of ignorance, I know). But this is a lovely knot that ties together two goddess symbols and elementalistism.
The triskele. On a small scale the double lines won't work, but I guess it might defeat the point if I make it just one line...

Covering of the Chalice Well at Glastonbury. A goddess/chalice symbol. I'm all water sign no matter what type of zodiac you look at, so a water/goddess thing may be the way to go. I would simplify the design, however, so it works on a small scale.
This is one of the adinkra symbols of Ghana, often sewn into cloth. This is the Aya or fern. It symbolizes independence, resourcefulness, defiances, and an ability to overcome hardships.

This is another of the adinkra: the Kojo Baiden or rays and symbolizes the cosmos and omnipresence.
Adinkra: Osrane ne nsoroma or Ram's horns. Wisdom, learning, humility.
Adinkra: Adwo. Peace, calm under pressure.

Shamanistic healer hand. There are other versions and I have yet to explore other shamanistic symbols.
Adinkra: Wawa Aba. Overcoming barriers, oppression. Movement.
Adinkra: Fawahodie. Independence, freedom from slavery.
Right now, I think it'll be either the triqueta or the om but my mind has yet to be made. Once I make a decision I wait to see if I like that decision for longer than a few months.
Also if they figure out the whole white ink tattoo thing (its sketchy for some reason)I might get a tattoo on the back of my neck at the base. The triple goddess/moon thing or something. Maybe the chalice well. But that will come way later when white ink doesn't randomly burn people's skin.

Covering of the Chalice Well at Glastonbury. A goddess/chalice symbol. I'm all water sign no matter what type of zodiac you look at, so a water/goddess thing may be the way to go. I would simplify the design, however, so it works on a small scale.

This is another of the adinkra: the Kojo Baiden or rays and symbolizes the cosmos and omnipresence.

Shamanistic healer hand. There are other versions and I have yet to explore other shamanistic symbols.

Right now, I think it'll be either the triqueta or the om but my mind has yet to be made. Once I make a decision I wait to see if I like that decision for longer than a few months.
Also if they figure out the whole white ink tattoo thing (its sketchy for some reason)I might get a tattoo on the back of my neck at the base. The triple goddess/moon thing or something. Maybe the chalice well. But that will come way later when white ink doesn't randomly burn people's skin.
I actually have the triskele with a solid broad line in black on my forearm. It looks very nice and I get compliments galore on it. Just take the solid pair of lines and fill them it and you will have a good gauge of how it will look. You will need a good artist who is willing to take the time to get the spirals right before they put it on you though. Best of luck...
I also have a version of the triquetta. But I rounded the edges and made it in the form of a dragon/ snake that is eating its own tail. Also very cool looking. I have several tattoos so I also have a version of the healers hand as does my husband. We used each others handprints as the base for the symbol and it was very meaningful to both of us as we are also both in the medical field. I hope this input helps.
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