Monday, October 1, 2007

In which Lambsie makes a stab at veganism for health purposes.

Since no one reads this I am going to record my current diet in this post out of convenience for myself.
October 1
a Go Raw banana "bread" flax bar and a naturally-occurring-sugars-only smoothie...well, sucks to be sick but hey, this detox thing is a helluva lot easier when the thought of most foods makes me wanna puke.
lunch- feeling better so i got a little corn tortilla, put hummus and tahini in it folded in over and pretty much sauteed (is that the word???) it in some olive oil on the stove and ate it with salsa. I might squeeze some lemon or lime juice on it next time. It was so tasty I wondered if my mouth was tricking me and it was still small enough to not make me puke...and don't worry, it all adhered to the specifications of my "vegan detox."

Going to the doc this afternoon. Weird, but I actually want all this to be because of hypothyroidism, because then I know what it is and know I can be treated.


They stole my blood. I wait for results.

Totally had the same thing for dinner as I had for lunch, except, this time, TWO. My nausea is totally gone hurrah.

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