Monday, October 15, 2007

In which Lambsie reports NY celebrity sightings.

Few years...
got Denzel's autograph after his broadway performance in Julius Caesar
Last year...
Mario Cantone on University place, looking grouchy
This year...
Sam Waterson (aka Jack McCoy, law and order) DUMBO festival, open studios on Jay street (?)
Willem Dafoe (GREEN GOBLIN!), university place, looking rather grumpy as well
Today... Ed Westwick, the kid who plays the rich asshole/date rape guy Chuck on Gossip Girl, register next to me at Best Buy, wasn't sure until the cashier made him say his name and address (which i did not care to remember, thank you) and then I looked up the name and found out that, yes, he was on gossip girl... and yes, I watch gossip girl...I also watch Desperate Housewives. Soaps rock my world.
Everyday of my fucking life... Haley Joel Osment

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